is there life after prayerbabies?
Written on September 17, 2018 By admin in gigs
(txt:) Short answer: Nup. Long answer: We-elll-ll. Tho we teeter on the edge of (yet another) great x-stink-shun, this time brought to you by the
Short answer:
Long answer:
Tho we teeter on the edge of (yet another) great x-stink-shun, this time brought to you by the Coal-ition Gummint, a $2shop-based economy, Rupert the Bear(faced) & ultimately, ourprofligateselves — we ain’t daid yet!
The Royal Commstraction into Ageing Care may well reveal us to be gravity-stricken, hair reduced to dorsal fronds & generally melting, but! We are popping our beknobbled heads back into your snow-bound tents to say ‘yes, we’ve been… some time… &, despite the damnable Norwegians, we’ve had a nice huskyburger, so before the hypervitaminosis takes hold, it’s inevitably
FRI 5 OCT (x-apple-data-detectors://0) UNION HOTEL BRUNSWICK 9-11PM (x-apple-data-detectors://1)
SAT 6 OCT (x-apple-data-detectors://2) LOMOND HOTEL E BRUNSWICK 9:30-12:30 (x-apple-data-detectors://3)
* Guaranteed original line up!** * No unsettling new songs!*** * Guest appearance by survivors of historic double-drawn Grand Final****
Due to unforseemly circustances, remember book early in your mind, becos everyone’s name is appliquéd on the door & clear across the wall nextoowit.
b luffly t’seizures… xxxe’en
** with newbie Dan drumming — a scant 5 years service so far
***despite it thematically occurring to me that The Runaways’ ‘Cherry Bomb’ might very well go:
‘Hello daughter, hello son!
I’m your g-g-g-g-g-g-g-g-Geri Bomb!’
****overly generous four star joke rating
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