Category: gigs
“NEWS Corp chairman and chief executive Rupert Murdoch is staying put, declaring only a wayward bus would evict him any time soon.” The Age, Tim Dick August 12, 2011
…wear something drycleanable
* Carringbush Hotel 228 Langridge st Abbotsford
August 12, 2011 admin 0 Comments
Well, I wasn’t entirely sure as I was somewhat enlurgied & had to sit down for the second set last satdy, but it seemed to me, (& I’ve since had it independently verified to exclude feverish hallucination) that there was dancing from go to whoa that set – yes, @ the Onion! Join us there for a repeat this &/or next satdy 9-11 @ The Union Hotel, Union Street Brunswick. Feeling a little less frenetic? Try 6-9pm Sunday @ Tago Mago 144 High Street Thornbury, for the pretty ones all acoustic-like mmm…
June 17, 2011 admin 0 Comments
Come see PRAYERBABIES demonstrate their brazilience (: naked strength of character revealed when the superfluous is ripped away) This Sat 9-11 Union Hotel Brunswick &/awe acoustic!@TagoMago This Sun 6-9 Yeeharrouchie! xxxe’en
June 10, 2011 admin 0 Comments
Ok ok so neither the rapure nor the band happened @ *precisely *on time last week – twas the footy’s fault in the former case; praps in the latter too… Notwithstanding, PRAYERbabies are @ Tago Mago this Friday 3 June 9:30 (ish) & then! Playin just the gentle, pretty ones, this Sundy afternoon AND next two Sundys 6 til 9pm @ that self-same place, TAGO MAGO, 744 High Street, Thornbury regular like! xxx e’en
June 1, 2011 admin 0 Comments
Here’s the new date for the Rapture, seein as how they, well… miscalculated the end of the world. Again. We’re called PRAYERbabies, so we know! It’s this Saturday @ Tago Mago, 744 High Street, Thornbury from precisely 9:30pm. Third time’s the charm! Royalties 2 Blondie!
NEXTFriNoight&SunarvoPB @ T -M NEXTSatF&T@FAD
May 25, 2011 admin 0 Comments
Now we are over the first shock of winteryness we have raised ourselves up & watched our breath’s condensate make pretty patterns of geometric ice on the window pane in our fortress of duotude. Our Melbourne identity’s blood has thickened, strawberry jamlike & we tunnel from warm place to warm place – THIS FRIDAY being the LOMOND heated by PRAYERBABIES 9:30pm. xx e’en
May 11, 2011 admin 0 Comments
‘Tis the season of the misshapen & gamey; the furry & crustaceous; the half-rodent, half-mollusc Oyster Bunny! Get innoculated with PRAYERBABIES this Bad Saturday at Tago Mago, 740 High Street, Thornbury 9pm – 12!
April 20, 2011 admin 0 Comments
Get pickled @ The ONION &/or drink responsively under the oldspices of Prayerbabies THIS SATDY NIGHT! 9-11pm, UNION HOTEL 109 Union Street, Brunswick. Make mine a treble clef.
April 12, 2011 admin 0 Comments
Well, dee-lay mah gratification! It’s a more than a full week til prayerbabies return to the UNION HOTEL in UNION Street UNIONWICK…erm BRUNSWICK.. not this but NEXT SAT 16f April & you may need the next week to grasp it’s a night! 9pm-11pm thanx 2 judicious daylight spending. See y’all thar.
April 8, 2011 admin 0 Comments
Did anybody else notice the kerfuffle at the end of the Chilean miners rescue? The sudden turning of cameras from the pithead, the collapse of the live coverage into confused disorganisation?This was slated home to exhaustion through sustained exhilaration, but i was watching an independent live web feed & witnessed something State TV didn’t want me to see… the emergence of a THIRTY-FOURTH miner!
Only now, can i reveal details i hope to be propagated on all respected crackpot news services – this whole schmeer is softlysoftly way to introduce a fiendish & unnatural export industry – the production of miners themselves!! Through some arcane & oooOOOooo type of South American Catholic/Pagan technology, apparently the essence of miners has been concentrated underground, combined with radiation, bananas & liquid gravity til, hola! -soulless golem-type miners ready to unthinkingly do the bidding of Rio Tinto in their open-cut cheap undies pit, for the betterment of Macquarie Wealth Management’s Magic Donut/Pudding.
These many forces arrayed against us may not look kindly on my breathing, now i’ve let this devilcat out of the bag – & if i don’t make it… avenge me & the PRAYERBABIES THIS SUNDY 5 – 7 ONION HOTEL UNION st BRUNCHWICK xxxe’en NexPBs@LomondSat30f of October
October 15, 2010 admin 0 Comments