Category: gigs
The Royal Flying Doctors Service is a revered & uniquely Australian establishment, one that enjoys the esteem & charity of this nation. We are regularly exhorted to support it by donation in pubs, online & even during valuable fantasy time at traffic lights. But we’ve been hoodwanked! PRAYERBABIES, bringing to bear their medal-winning floor routine in iconoclastics, can now reveal that the Royal Flying Doctors can’t actually fly – shockingly, they cheat using planes like the rest of us! Furthermore, & we’ll have to research more furtherer, but we also suspect few amongst them are actual kings or even dukes! More shockly shocks THIS SATDY 4-7pm @ The Pinnacle 251 St Georges rd NorFitzroy xxxe’en Ps NexWkRadioSpringsSat
July 10, 2013 admin 0 Comments
Try staring at something that’s so familiar you hardly see it anymore. It’s dimensions will eventually dissolve & then coalesce into their actual measurements, outside of & differing from memory’s magnitudes. Suddenly you’re back in a world of touch, change & possibility. It’s like repeating a word til it loses all meaning or perching on top of the fridge for a new view. Oh yeah… that’s right! It’s a good re-minder. I personally find the HQ Holden, a shape I internalised as a child & known to me as well as the inside of my mouth most efficacious. But that’s just gunzelly me. What would you use? Well, you could try staring @ F&T THIS FRI or PRAYERBABIES THIS SAT both @ Tago Mago* or SUNDY ARVO PBABES @ the Royal Oak** But that might be considered impolite. xxxe’en *both 9-11:30pm Tago Mago 744 High st Thornbury **4-7pm Royal Oak 442 Nicholson st Fitzroy
June 17, 2013 admin 0 Comments
Though Mutha’s Day has passed, it’s not too late to give a gift that retrospectively keeps giving via our Retro Specs. Using wormhole technology from specially bred worms, these stylish & revolutionary glasses envisage perpetually home-delivered, balanced meals that will help your big-assed Mama lose weight simply & easily. This is achieved by way of their scientifically formulated inedibility. Just go to & follow the prompts to shite& & click the scam button. Enjoy the sound of thoughts counting in an endless loop, because your mum’s relentlessly worth it! xxxe’en
May 14, 2013 admin 0 Comments
Why *does* the menu board at the Union Hotel incongruously feature a drawing of a woman in a negligee? A friend of mine used to live around the corner in Barkly St & once took me to the bottle shop to seek reinforcement for our already confused state. &, I now suspect, to capitalise on my unsuspectingness. Entering via the side door, red-rimmed eyes beheld an apparently naked woman coming from the front bar to serve us. My neck & sight jammed modestly at eye-level. I suppose she asked us what we were after. I imagine my pal organised our purchase. All I really remember is the chum, having caught my Anglican ill-ease, racing me to be free of the situation & together getting cartoonishly stuck in the doorway as we lunged in schoolboy-like hilarity/terror to be back in nudeless Normaland. That, & the voice of someone authoritative yelling “Geez, Lorelei, I tol ya before, ya not sposta serve inna bo’le shop” to which glottal stop Lorelei did reply “Aww, I keep forgettin…” I should forget, but while what is seen may not quite be obscene, it cannot be unseen. That drawing is all that remains of an earlier, more primitive regime, when affront was on the menu… xxxe’en psF&T@TagoMago nexFrydy
May 2, 2013 admin 0 Comments
Pbabes return to Fitzroy THIS SAT 9:30 @ RAINBOW HOTEL ST DAVID St.
Ah! Back to where I spent 10 formative years which are now the focus of a similarly rainbow-hued & rambling con-fiction work that continues:
*…perched on the edge of a wardrobe dressed as an improvised superhero, it may not look like it from up there, but you’re at a crossroad. Unlike Brunswick and Gertrude out the window, this is more accurately a roundabout. Five-ways. At least. *
*1) You are unsure of the nature of your superpowers or*
*2) – have lost confidence in them or*
*3) – been kryptonited and lost them entirely or*
*4) – just discovered them or*
*5) – are agonising over whether to go public and if good will truly out.*
*If it’s four in the morning and your fetching mensa and marathoning girlfriend is perched up there with you, draped only in a stained Dutch flag-cape and she agrees you should immediately visit a friend in the hills (we could be there for breakfast! …we should take juice.) then with that validation, the roundabout clicks through more options than a shoddily breakable novelty kitchen appliance – oop!*
*6) and your secret identity is plainly at risk. *
*Firstly though, pants.* xxxe’en* *
April 23, 2013 admin 0 Comments
Yes, this is both short & stupid notice but I shall endeavor to at least get the deets right firstime. PRAYEBABIES fry the ONION HOOTLE BROONSWICK THIS SATDY 9pm. There. & no mistakes. xxxe’em
April 4, 2013 admin 0 Comments
Zooks! A nerror has been found in yesterday’s missive. Please note!!
Sunday’s kneezup will be at the *Cosmopolitan Hotel in Trentham*. Apparently there’s no such thing as the Contintental Guest House and hasn’t been for many years. Who knew? Not Ian until just now. So to avoid disappointment… please attend, Oyster Sunday 1-4pm at the Cosmopolitan Hotel.
March 28, 2013 admin 0 Comments
Aye, & PRAYERBABIES have plotted the hideous half-mollusc, half rodent’s tradgectory via it’s glittering chocolate spoor to:
RADIO SPRINGS Hotel Lyonville 6:30 Good fridee HORVATS Wine bar Daylesford 8:30 Better Satdee & CONTINENTAL GUEST HOUSE Hepburn 1pm Consequential Sundee
Now, between it’s spawning in the shallows & going to ground, is a small window of hopportunity. We must stop this bouncing bivalve before it can link up with Flopsy, Mopsy & Cottonshell, & embark on a cocoa-coated kilpatricking spree… xxxe’en
March 27, 2013 admin 0 Comments
…the little hand, which last time around received entirely inadequate attention ie I got the hour of play completely wrong, sorry! THIS SATDY (for sure…) (little hand on) 5 til (little hand on) 7 @ the UNION HOTEL BRUNS & hey we’re back up to four part harmonies welcoming beachyboy Dan multitasking-for-it on the drumstool forthwith – huzzah!
March 20, 2013 admin 0 Comments
So very soon, ie thisunday 3-5 @ the Onion we farewell Greg, who’s been hitting things for us for 4or5 years now. This is not like my last missive, which was hilariously suggesting my spot would be taken by a yelling goat. Feasible as this may be, a few folk showed up to pay their respects, bless! Seems no one clicks on an emailink, speshly one called two-minutes-of-nothing-but-goats-yelling-like-humans. ButGreg really is retiring hurt. Come wave him bye-bye. He’d like that.
March 3, 2013 admin 0 Comments