Category: gigs
…to take over lead vocal & organisational duties – I’ve had a good run, but now it’s time to put me out to pasture:
Voting opens 9pm this Satdy at the Union Hotel Brunswick.
February 19, 2013 admin 0 Comments
Chandler Room and environs. 157 Union Road, Surrey Hills
The first in a series of fundraising events to ensure the Music Festival continues for years to come.
Catch up with friends and take the chance to taste* the Prayerbabies*’ unique concoction of country blues gospel gumbo Tics $15 – at the door Fully licensed
See hattached flier.
xx ‘een
SATURDAY FEBRUARY 16TH pbs flyer.pdf
February 11, 2013 admin 0 Comments
Hey! NYE was a vast blast & we are saying th-en-Q-somaaarch to all by putting on a *bold* series of free gigs!
You may think of them as the usual-type Prayerbaby gigs what you don’t hafta pay for, but we prefer to cast them as multiple one-off ‘thank-yous’ & are notably somewhat deluded.
*This Fridee* 9:30 @ the rowdy *Lomond Hotel*
Knickerson St Yeast Brunsweek
*This Satdee* we’ll be chanting AusiAusiAusi OiOiVey 6pm @ 25 Ferres Blvd *Sth Meringue* Melway 183 A10
& then, from *9pm the* *selfsameSatdee*, paps a gentler, kinder gig @ the *Union Hotel*, Onion St Brunsweek Proper-like…
& if this free-thankyou vibe catches on, we may just continue the Gratitude Series of concerts clear up til next NYE, whaddayareckon?
January 23, 2013 admin 0 Comments
Just a minute; hotcakes?! Whathell are these archetypical unit-movers that sell so fast I for one have never even seen a retail point. Have you? Are they some kinda chili flan or heroin flapjack issued from an instantly mobbed popup, which then goes pop before our unfocused-group gets a whiff? Well, here’s the ticketular equivalent – fifty more online tix to Revenge of the Prayerbabies – NYE @the Rainbow hotel 27 St David St Fitzroy from 8pm Hit this link:
while the mythcakes are ostensibly hot!
Ps there’ll still be a few steaming on the door…
December 21, 2012 admin 0 Comments
Revenge; t’s a bit evil & I blame my eyebrows. They’ve turned. That is not to say there is any solid,incontrovertible evidence of wrongdoing on their part, of which I am aware. Still. Being of an age when hair variance has taken hold & the previously fecund falls fallow, a looking-glass may brim with outlandish outcrops & lonely dorsal frond – yet it is the spontaneous guttural “bwWAHAHAHAhahr-rr” this elicits which truly unnerves. & the source that particular ‘this’ may be traced as an unruly coathook of expression, a sproingy international symbol for no-goodness, the inhumanity of insect-like antennae – wiry, upright, mad eyebrows. Let us resolve, that tho to rage may weary us & the new year condemn, at the going down of the beer & in the morning we will remember – trim.
A NEW YEAR’S EVE venue has been secured for the reconstitution of the Prayerbabies, despite spellcheck’s insistence we hyphenate.
The spotter drones have returned to base with the coordinates: 27 St David St Fitzroy and the codename RAINBOW.
As with any event of such spagnitude, tix are strickly limitit – all we have is 100 online from
@ $17.50 ea and a limit of 10 per coostoomer.
There will be some 50ish meagrely more on the door from 8pm.
The Rainbow is quite snug, so even if you buy online, the oily bird gets the worm+view of the band+access to the bar.
We’d luvtaseeya!
December 10, 2012 admin 0 Comments
Hello you, well fancy, eh?!
This is a message from the other side of the world through the wonders of the *information super highway*… We’ve wandered from San Fran to Istan* & now we’re headed home in time to fulfil a promise
– the Prayerbabies return for New Year’s Eve @ FitzBowl –
Dunno about you, but we had a great night! The band is all lined-up again & ready to go… only thing is, FitzBowl has retreated into its shell and won’t be prised open – aargh!
So. It’s November & we have bugger-all time to chisel a plan on this Statue of Limitations.
Any & all ideas for a 200-300 peeps venue for NYE sought.
We’ve tried almost all the bowling clubs.
The few criteria are: band volume noisy til 1am-ish at least booze avail/boy not too pricey roofgarden & kidney-shaped swimming pool (might have some give on that one; either/or)
All serious suggestions entertained (& all entertaining suggestions serialised)
Anyhoo, if we can swing it will you come? Same lowlow price as last year, though just wall2wall five piece Prayerbabies this time & I will regale you will teasing tales of travels & travaiilles or – shut up & play, whilst you drink’n’dance the year away, whaddaya say?!
*bul, not Constantinople
November 1, 2012 admin 0 Comments
Talk of a zombie apocalypse is both premature, largely inaccurate & frankly smacks of wishful thinking. Whilst there is no denying THE PRAYERBABIES & FIRE&THEFT are exuding a certain beyond-the-grave bouquet, there is no question of unholy re-animation. No. It’s just that the sausage meat used to spackle the decayed bits was already on the turn…
7 thOUsand kms later:
THE PRAYERBABIES for 1 night tonally FRI 27f JULY@ La Lomond & similarly FIRE&THEFT@ Fad SAT 28f
– the ol’ olfactory is a powwwwerful memory trigger (hOPEfully)… xxxe’en
July 10, 2012 admin 0 Comments
ooOooOnion* satdynyt 9-11 Oo
(*Union Hotel, Union Street, Brunswick)
xxx e’en
March 2, 2012 admin 0 Comments
Too many folks missed out on tix for our End is NYE gig (which was too much fun!), so to make amends we’re doin one last (awwyeah…*) Melb gig, which would hafta be at the Lo-ie, eh?
Hope 2 c u there froidee 9:30ish, oquidouqui?
*naw troolyrooly
January 18, 2012 admin 0 Comments
Malcolm X would be most disappointed as we are totes sell-outs at FitzBowl on NYE – biiiiig ta to all for performing the arcane rituals involved in bringing it about – cupla final clarifications* amid the welter of blether.
– the bowling club is fully licenced, so NO byo booze, sori…
– we will have the BBQs available for you to cook on all night, so bring some ‘second wind’ snags if you will…
& if anyone has to cancel plee-e-ese let us know for a refund; your tix will not go to waste as there’s quite a few who missed out that we just can’t help them otherwise, as we’ve hit capacity…
erm… think that’s all – happy happy, hope 2 c u in a cupla weex & remember pudding poisoning is a silent(night) killer. xxxe’en
* I remember sendin out an email wa-a-a-y back, erroneously suggesting Nick had left the band ( & half a sandwich) when he couldn’t do a gig – amid the caterwauling & laments Nick demanded clarification, which, remorsefully, I duly sent out: ‘Clarification – It’s the milk solids in butter that cause it to brown and burn. Remove them and you’ve got clear, golden oil. To clarify butter, melt it in a small saucepan over very low heat. Let stand, off the heat, until the white milk solids sink to the bottom of the melted butter. Carefully pour off the liquid butter and strain through damp cheesecloth…’ For some reason this did not clarify things. Not even with the cheesecloth & all. This was said to indicate I have no real grasp on what I’m doing in cpyderbase – it’s true – i’m just wobbling on my swiss ball & amusing myself quietly hunting&pecking away in my room – you all know that right? I’m sure you do the same on occasion. That your emails were garnered ostensibly to keep you informed about Pbabes & F&T gigs is undeniable; as is the fact that only about 40% of the list have ever returned to a gig & maybe 20%, more than once in a blue moon… so thanx for not unsubscribing non-gigging readerers, whatever your real reasons (tho when anyone tried, I would generally plead & cajole them back on ‘…but *why-y-y*!?’) & thanx for responding over these 12ish years, to those many who did – you’re a droll bunch. If it’s alright, I may spam you with a few non-gig adventures from this**** ‘n’at***** (five star abbreviation!!) xe
****see attmt1 *****see attmt2
December 16, 2011 admin 0 Comments