Category: gigs
It is a with great pleasure that we announce the culmination – THIS SATDYNYT @The PALAIS HEPBURN & then PENNY BLACK BRUNS SUNDY 5-7 – of a task The PRAYERBABIES were honoured to be chosen to fulfill: the realisation of Evie Pt IV.
Having triumphed in a rigorous selection process chaired by the original songwriters, those reminders that the Japanese culture of cuteness has its origins in China, and paragons of Twee Psychoanalytic Gestetner therapy (TPG), Panda & Jung (fnar!), P-babes unveil their efforts this weekend.
Teaser: she didn’t die, but later endured a pioneering, partially-successful face transplant procedure after a tragic accident. Evie went on to become the poster girl for hair-net safety. The kid is in IT and denial.
December 14, 2011 admin 0 Comments
….. which translates from the French as “4th musical note the the the the the the the the the” to which I continue PRAYERBABIES @ THE UNION BRUNSWICK IS THIS SATDY 9-11PM – a much more accurate & pertinent translation of the original as we wil be doing all songs in the key of Fa.
xxx e’en
PS if you missed out on NYE tix you can lambast us at the Palais Hepburn Sat 17 or Penny Black Brunswick Sunday 18th. Yikes!
December 8, 2011 admin 0 Comments
Congress is a Vegetable–PBs@OnionSatnyt
The US Congress has recently declared that pizza is in fact a vegetable. To you cynics who suggest this is merely a tawdry way around healthy-eating standards in schools – that they are dominated by Domino’s & in Senator John McCain’s thrall – the Legislators point to the fact that there are up to three tablespoons of health-giving veggie tomato paste on each pie. I point to the fact that the tomato is NOT a vegetable. It’s a mineral. & one of the world’s richest deposits of them is found Tasmania. Right beside Baconsfield. South of Lettuceston. So I say l get behind this! Shipping chunks of our country overseas is what our economy; nay NATION, is based on – let’s get chunkier – & let them provide The Base*! *Onions*, however, *are* vegetables which our fully-functioning parliament knows *should* be properly spelt *union* & their will be done, as it *is*in Hansard. For more revealing layer-peeling, see you at the UNION Hotel, UNION St BRONSWICK 9 – 11pm THIS SATDY
* what’s that in Arabic again?
November 25, 2011 admin 0 Comments
*Huzzah!* *Pbabes Vs F&T New Years Eve odyssey at the fabulous * *& fully-licensed*
*- Fitzroy Bowls Club** *-*
We take over at *7pm*, so as hoped, there will be an early fambuly-friendly start right then with 2 lanes of barefootbowls & 2 gas BBQs to facilitate your various proteins & salads & a P-babies set at – oo… 8ish?
From then on it’ll get a li’l – how shall I say – organic… Rest assured tho; there’ll be plenny o’ Contrary’n’Western + beaucoups befezzed Grounge avec two sets apiece & a midnight melee
Whoopsie! Capacity is 200 max & we’ve got less than 100 left…
Tix are $20+booknfee (kids under 12 free) but *PRESALE ONLY*
via this magic link: then you print out your very own commemorative ticket
so git in soonly for that (centre) justified feelin!
***578 Brunswick St Fitzroy North
& for those *still* reading (bless) watch out for ill-advised Prayeraoke @the aftaparty!
November 18, 2011 admin 0 Comments
The Prayerbabies will be appearing at a benefit gig for the Greens ‘Greenstock’ at Yah Yah’s, 99 Smith Street, Fitzroy, Sunday 20 November from 7pm.
Tickets are $15 for three bands – that’s $5 per band! Amazing value!
Details attached. Hope to see you down there.
November 15, 2011 admin 0 Comments
Update! We have Fitzroy Bowling Club for NYE. That has a capacity of about 200. We have to fill it up tho. If you would like a pre-sale ticket let me know. $20 ($10 concession) kids free! Please send somethin to your mates to encourage them to come along to the show and book early. We hope it will sell out. Send me the details of what tickets you want and I’ll let you know where to send the $$$.
Thanks gang. Love yez all.
*THE END IS NYE* It’s only 60-odd shopping days til Christmas (when you won’t be able to shop for a whole day! Cept at the Heathen’s, blessem), then suddenly it’s New Years Eve! This is a special NYE for me as I’m goin orf travelling for the year in Feb & won’t be back til the Mayans say it’s all over.* So. It could also be the end of Prayerbabies & Fire&Theft, but not before a special long last combined gig on Dec 31. We usually manage to get a priddy lucrative gig to see us thru the lean January which is in turn, usually b-o-o-o-or-ing & lonesome as gigs go. Like last years cruise-ship-run-aground-on-a-golf-course – great money, but $ inversely proportionate to fun; why is that?
Upshot is, we wanna be with our friends this time: the bands are in, centralish venue TBA. We’ll hafta have a door price (see aforementioned leanness) but we hope to have a family-friendly early start & go on to an independent-idiotic hour .
– mark it in – we’d love 2 c u one last tym…
– tix will b $20 or $10 if you’re broker than us.
– so we get a feel for numbers rsvpasapok?
xxx e’en
* * *tho i’ve never read a direct translation from the original Mayanaise
November 2, 2011 admin 0 Comments
It’s only 60-odd shopping days til Christmas (when you won’t be able to shop for a whole day! Cept at the Heathen’s, blessem), then suddenly it’s New Years Eve! This is a special NYE for me as I’m goin orf travelling for the year in Feb & won’t be back til the Mayans say it’s all over.* So. It could also be the end of Prayerbabies & Fire&Theft, but not before a special long last combined gig on Dec 31. We usually manage to get a priddy lucrative gig to see us thru the lean January which is in turn, usually b-o-o-o-or-ing & lonesome as gigs go. Like last years cruise-ship-run-aground-on-a-golf-course – great money, but $ inversely proportionate to fun; why is that?
Upshot is, we wanna be with our friends this time: the bands are in, centralish venue TBA. We’ll hafta have a door price (see aforementioned leanness) but we hope to have a family-friendly early start & go on to an independent-idiotic hour .
– mark it in – we’d love 2 c u one last tym…
– tix will b $20 or $10 if you’re broker than us.
– so we get a feel for numbers rsvpasapok?
xxx e’en
* * *tho i’ve never read a direct translation from the original Mayanaise
October 27, 2011 admin 0 Comments
Whom amongst you have, in the recent past, bought hotcakes? If yes, where and furthermore what?.. what the *hell* are they? Are they a form of pancake, doughnut, biscuit or what? Do I have no data simply because, being the definitive fast seller, they’ve already sold out by the time I’m up & there’s no trace of them left – unrequiring of tell-tale advertisements or even word of mouth, apart from the irrefutable sales stats? I’m fighting the gurgele* as I wish to resist the accepted & collective wiki & think this through clearly myself.
To assist with this clarity, FIRE&THEFT are underlining the launch of Miles Vertigan’s essential modernist handbook “*Life Kills*” (which is selling like…)
6PM TONYT – TRADES HALL CARLTON then on SATDYNYT PRAYERBABIES turn tearjerks chopping the Onion 9 – 11PM UNION HOTEL BRUNCHWICK – alright, then
PS keep NYE sacred & free…
* g-ER-jel : *urge to google*
October 6, 2011 admin 0 Comments
Short notice, I know!
Join the post-footy festivities with the Prayerbabies at The Union Hotel, 109 Union Street Brunswick Sunday 2 October from 4pm.
Yee ha!
October 1, 2011 admin 0 Comments
I know & you know that adhesives come in various strengths, from the glue 1 category of lick&stick to the harsher higher strength numbers. There’s poxy ol’ epoxy and the Supa glues from which the cap is still stuck to an acetone-sensitive part of your body from the last teacup handle repair. No more! *This Friday from 9 30 @ The Lomond Prayerbabies *offer the much-acclaimed Glue 10, free of charge! Yes, the iron-like-gripping, yet uncannily workable fixative of Glue 10, which also doubles as a safe-ish alternative to other mind-altering inhalants… xxxe’en
August 17, 2011 admin 0 Comments