Category: gigs
After the pixie dust has settled from schtressmas and the thoughts have all been counted, we lie panting in a welcome, if temporary respite from cheer, happily unsure precisely what day it is. Temporary indeed, for here looms through a fug of potential outofofficereplies, the spent calendar-winnowing certainty of New Year’s Eve! And accompanying assertions! In the year of outlaw, two thousand and sixteen, I hereby ree-solve to: 1. Work out why a webbot thinks (on a weekly basis) that I would ever book a holiday in Essendon; it’s handsomely discounted rates notwithstanding. 2. Register my car next time with one of those cheap club permits — if that guy’s crappy suzuki van is eligible, anything is. 3. Coin a new word for the action of customer servicers looking away when you do your PIN (Avertsion? Discredition?) and 4. A word to describe the act of getting an uncharacteristically contemporary hairstyle that you’ve obviously been talked into by a hairdresser, probably at great expense, because you’re going to be interviewed on TV for 15 seconds (Muttonlambasted? Hairswaggled?). 5. Call out stools in pubs and eateries that are cost effective, colourful, stackable & unbearable to sit on for more than 6 minutes. 6. Spend NYE and first hour of January at THE FARMERS ARMS HOTEL 1 EAST ST DAYLESFORD from 9:30. And you..? xxxe’en PsOnionBruns9Jan9-11pm ============================================================ Our mailing address is: Prayerbabies 25 bridge st Northcote, Vic 3070 Australia Want to change how you receive these emails? You can ** update your preferences ( or ** unsubscribe from this list ( This email was sent to ( why did I get this? ( unsubscribe from this list ( update subscription preferences ( Prayerbabies . 25 bridge st . Northcote, Vic 3070 . Australia Email Marketing Powered by MailChimp
December 28, 2015 admin 0 Comments
My fellow troublebunnies… ============================================================ …and those campaigning for gelatin to be a stand-alone food group – take heart and/or hoof! Though TONYT may be FIRE&THEFT’S FINAL FAD GALLERY* from 9ish, they shall not become permanent residents of Undonesia; or will they..? Ither/eether, PRAYERBABIES are doing another ‘just the pretty ones’ that works so well @ the ROYAL OAK** THIS SUNDY 4:30-7:30 Ah, life’s well-stocked bain-marie*** xxxe’en NexPBs@RadioSprings5&6/12 *14 Corrs Lane Chinatown **442 Nicholson St, Fitzroy North ***bains-marie were originally developed for use in the practice of alchemy^ when alchemists needed a way to heat materials slowly and gently. In that early form of chemical science, it was believed by many that the best way to heat certain materials was to mimic the supposed natural processes, occurring in the Earth’s core, by which precious metals were believed to be germinated. Now they are primarily used to transubstantiate Cajun Fish into Jellyfish. Our mailing address is: Prayerbabies 25 bridge st Northcote, Vic 3070 Australia Want to change how you receive these emails? You can ** update your preferences ( or ** unsubscribe from this list ( This email was sent to ( why did I get this? ( unsubscribe from this list ( update subscription preferences ( Prayerbabies . 25 bridge st . Northcote, Vic 3070 . Australia Email Marketing Powered by MailChimp
November 26, 2015 admin 0 Comments
** Contrary&Western@the Lomond 9:30 Satdy… ———————————————————— ============================================================ plus reoriginal hits and repressed memories via El Prayerbambini – you know the drill: ballyhoo, brouhaha and booze… expect the unexpectorant* xxxe’en Nex F&TFad26Nov9:30 PbsRoyalOakSun29Nov4-7pm *ta-rah Our mailing address is: Prayerbabies 25 bridge st Northcote, Vic 3070 Australia Want to change how you receive these emails? You can ** update your preferences ( or ** unsubscribe from this list ( This email was sent to ( why did I get this? ( unsubscribe from this list ( update subscription preferences ( Prayerbabies . 25 bridge st . Northcote, Vic 3070 . Australia Email Marketing Powered by MailChimp
November 17, 2015 admin 0 Comments
** Dagnabbit! We’re tryin’ out this electric mail thang. What we meant to say was … ———————————————————— ============================================================ The man who confirmed us as Moat People is in turn confirmed as <1 term-tony, while our new multi-millcolmaire pm shows his true pastels in propelling the nation at least three decades forward. ashtraya has now toppled leadership-change world record holder, italy, a stroke – five years! surely lawyber party cannot be left wearing last season's speech impediment c'mon albo you're as close to corbyn & sanders we get strike iron's cheap>
September 15, 2015 admin 0 Comments
** It’s time to design your email. ———————————————————— Now that you’ve selected a template, you’ll define the layout of your email and give your content a place to live by adding, rearranging, and deleting content blocks. When you’re ready to change the look of your email, take a look through the “design” tab to set background colors, borders, and other styles. If you need a bit of inspiration, you can see what other MailChimp users are doing ( , or learn about email design ( and blaze your own trail. ============================================================ The man who confirmed us as Moat People is in turn confirmed as <1 term-tony, while our new multi-millcolmaire pm shows his true pastels in propelling the nation at least three decades forward. ashtraya has now toppled leadership-change world record holder, italy, a stroke – five years! surely lawyber party cannot be left wearing last season's speech impediment c'mon albo you're as close to corbyn & sanders we get strike iron's cheap>
admin 0 Comments
Dyson Heydon, late Speaking withdrawal from Liberal Party fund-raisers, was yesterday found by ex-High Court Justice Dyson Heydon to have no conflict of interest with Dyson Heydon, Royal Commissioner into trade unions. “All Dyson’s are unique in their cyclonic sucking actions and, I find, have no conflict of interest in the blowing action of the Dyson’s you find in toilets for drying hands, which similarly have no bias, perceived or otherwise, in knowing what those other hands are doing” decreed one of Dyson Heydon. Perhaps the final wordplay on the controversy belonged well-placed informant D.H., a source close to Dyson Heydon. “All this conjecture is hot air and I wash my hands of it.” Perhaps not. Oi! Let’s see if we can get any interesting conflict around crowd-sourcing (instead of self-saucing) NYE this time – any takers? Your very own deforgettable unconflicted profabbo NYE party may be just an email away! xxxe’en
September 2, 2015 admin 0 Comments
*8:30 pm 14 Corrs Lane City **listen to a live 3RRR recording of Axilla – go to 01:22 of: ***’LL’ means ‘all is well’ in the international ground-air rescue code ****9:30 cnr Nicholson & Blythe sts E Bruns xe
August 25, 2015 admin 0 Comments
Which is all the ASX is, isn’t it, really? It’s just an airport departure/arrival screen somewhere in Sydney, with a couple of uncomfortable chairs that some old guys who’ve been chased out of the library for farting sit around watching. & occasionally panicking each other. Why not invest your time & money in an activity what’s yield guarantees both ephemeral thrills *&*hitherto unthought-of career openings? Yes, yes! Win a Two-hour beginner’s trapeze lesson for one (value $89) – THIS IS FOR REAL! Simply tootle down to Chinatown for THIS THURSNYT’S F&T @ FAD GALLERY* & be the first to collar me & answer this simplish question: who is Axilla? *Unhelpful hints* The song entitled Axilla** has been recorded twice, by both Pbabes & Fire&Theft, & I piked the more exotic pronunciation each time, but now; now! From now on; I pledge to pronounce it Ax-*eey-*a as the Y sound is clearly from the double L as it is in after ‘i’ in French eg: Guillermo travaille grenouille Bastille & there’s a clear precedent in Australenglish: William = Weeyam, as in Andy Weeyams, not the crooner Andy WiLLiams, but the Andy Weeyams who shot me in the chest when I was 13, with a slug that I still carry inside me to brighten the day of bored radiologists; the Andy Weeyams ex-primary school-mate whom I last saw as the *before & after *shot of a home perm kit in glossy magazine. The pronunciation is finally rectified*** & dedicated to you Andy Weeyams, not the crooner, the shooter. & Ifn we don’t get the answer we’re lookin for then, that prize (value $89) it’ll roll over to THIS SATDYNYT PRAYERBABIES @ the LOMOND HOTEL**** or its equivalent in 000’s of iron(y) awe stocks – it’s a blue/choc chip certainty! xxxe’en
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Well, we don’t actually know any Barnsie&Farnsie songs, but we will endeavour to do our *entire* repertoire in the style of the aforenamed culcharul & yoomanitarian champeens THIS FRIDAY 9:30-12:30. And that of John Williams, too (not Star Wars guy, but Old Man Emu guy, whew!). Being true patriots, traitriots and flagrant opportunists however, we offer these suggestions from our own Songbook of Seething to Rally by: – the evergreen *Middle Aged Dirtbag* – our banjo-driven *Paranoid* – a spritely lamenting* All These Things that I have Done* – *the Love Me or Die, *undialectical til the end – a Mockingbird referencing, chiffarobed *Closer* or the funk whimsy of – *Stuck in the Middle-to-Extreme-Right with You* Happy Interdependence Day everybody! xxxe’en
July 30, 2015 admin 0 Comments
No words were wasted. Curt instruction replaced communication, as I was divested of possessions, then clothes, then dignity. “Turn and face the wall. Bend over. Spread your cheeks.” Nope, no hidden cache of self-respect between them. While Fitzroy hoosecow had been poignant on a spring day, the Remand Centre was poisonous. A bland, fluoro-lit cavern the size of a small ice-skating rink with ten or twelve cell doors leading off it. The resemblance went further as the 50-odd inmates were going round and round and round. My first impression of this pacing was one of madness. Within the hour , I was up and skating too. There was nothing else to do. A wall TV dwelt in a reinforced box, but the channel and volume were randomly changed if you sat down to watch it. Near as I can tell, this amenity was there purely as a source of entertainment for the screws, or to give them their corrected title, Corrective Services Officers. So there was something below parking cops. These charmers were all about authority. To address them, you pushed a button on the wall in one of the two cells left open (wide open) for their toilets, and spoke to the ceiling. The sight of scruffy supplicants addressing a disembodied voice from above was purposefully disheartening – if they deigned to answer. We fifty were ‘remanded in custody’, which meant at this point there was no discrimination between until-proven-guilty murderers and me. An inmate might offer the background to his unjust and wrongful incarceration, but you didn’t ask. Those who did want to talk about it were invariably in for something relatively minor such as bad luck. I didn’t realize till then that that was illegal. There was no striped uniform, no exercise yard for an hour a day and most disappointing of all the myths to be dispelled, no phone call. A small slot in the door had prisoners chatting singly to someone on the other side, but I missed the importance of it that first day. This someone was a Salvo – our only contact with the outside world. Only *they *could make a call for you. The Salvos were also the only source of clean generic underwear – clean overwear was deemed unnecessary – every third day. They did this out of pious altruism. Or so I thought. The circuits were all the more compulsive as almost every one of us was on the thin ice of nicotine withdrawal, cold turkey. Some, doubtless, were withdrawing from more exclusive and untaxed habits as well – one foot in front of the other… I’m unsure if this fits the criteria for “ resilience of the human spirit” or not, but it amazed me. In that hermetically sealed environment, under the unseen gaze of who knows how many potentially violent career sadists – it couldn’t be – yet yes! Some of the skaters were surreptitiously passing the skinniest of racehorse rollies. It was so thin, it produced almost no smoke and probably very little nicotine, but the pleasure receptors of all those aware of its secret existence were measurably stimulated. Excerpt from unforthcoming book “88 Storeys” xxxe’en
July 1, 2015 admin 0 Comments