Category: gigs
EL PRAYERBAMBINAS’re setting one for you THIS SATDY 9-11pm @ The UNION HOOTLE BRUNSWEEQ – it’s a mild & acceptable form of self-abuse, tho, unlike other similars, you don’t grow out of it. Well, we never did. Of either, truth be known. Not me, ocors – but the rest of the band, though – woo! frenzied – wouldn’t credit it, what, at their age… xxx e’en
October 8, 2014 admin 0 Comments
Pbs NOT on @ Royal Oak 2moro due to ongoing daylight rubberiness – sori foax! xe
October 4, 2014 admin 0 Comments
So. I know PBABIES are at the Royal Oak Fitzroy THIS SUNDAY arvo, only – what time? It’s usually 4pm but, what with daylight saving starting that day, is it earlier or laterer than usually usual? If you put the clock 4ward, I put it to you, that mean time does not mean our eastern standards have been lowered in the meantime. And, without wishing to be overly 4thright, 4 is un4gettably 4told as, per4ce, the 4ray point into per4mance. 4 4k sake. xxxxe’eeen
October 2, 2014 admin 0 Comments
Oop! All of a sudden there’s an unsodden flurry of activity from the cumulative Fire&Thephtbabies – how can it be explained? The advent of spring? Well, p’aps… something’s got our choox laying again, too. Ah, one week of 20+ degrees, and Melbourne emerges like a pasty butterfly from its chilled, football-powered chrysalis… we outlasted the piloerection-ridden, strum-numbing cold! Again! Celebrate our new-found fun&fecundity F&T THURS 9:30 @ FAD GALLERY Chinatown & SAT MIDDAY A+ Market 399 Murray rd Preston PRAYERBABIES SAT 5-7 UNION HOTEL Brunnie but remember, now – it’s still chilly a night… xxxe’en
August 27, 2014 admin 0 Comments
for my cumulative odd behaviors and notions. Some people are afraid of spiders, some of heights; I, and it takes some courage to admit it, have a morbid fear of widths. THIS is why I prefer those safety glasses with the blinker-like sides… THIS is why I actively cultivate tunnel vision & am unnerved by crabs! There I’ve said it. It’s out & I’m glad of it. See you & PRAYERBABIES at the LOMOND THIS FRYNYT, hopefully in an orderly single-file queue from the stage to the bar. xxxe’en
August 5, 2014 admin 0 Comments
From the people who brought you *iconic* and *perfect storm* comes the old and confusing…*egregious*! Suddenly it’s everywhere! This egregious behaviour & that egregious abuse. But how do you pronounce it & what does it mean? Well, it doesn’t sound like Old Greg & but it does likely mean you’re a glaring or flagrant wanker. In which case, when pointed at you, I suggest responding: “You mean, of course, in the archaic usage.*” for efficacious doubt-removal. The *egregious** *FIRE&THEFT* 2MORONYT FAD GALLERY 14 CORRS LN CHINATOWN xxxe’en ps Pbabes@LomondFri8Aug
July 30, 2014 admin 0 Comments
With 3 new sonx! P-babes! FRI 9-12 LOMOND cnr Knickerson&Blyth to the east & SAT 9-11 UNION middle Union st slightly west, so actually central… Huzzah! xxxe’en Onja! xe
May 13, 2014 admin 0 Comments
…via the Central Highlands.* 1. The Clunes Booktown Festival, featuring such wibblewords as: Dwindle. Ropeable. Lowing. Askance. Partly. And. Glut. 2. Trentham Spudfest, featuring such tatties as: The Pink Eye. The Purple Congo. And. The Bintje, which is the Dutch national potato – or shall we say – mational.** 3. Radio Springs Hotel Lyonsville, featuring such bands as Prayerbabies SATDY 7-10pm. And. SUNDY 12-3pm. xxxe’en *Fnarfnarfnar **No, no. You’re right; we shan’t. Ta xe PS Next: Lomond 9-12 FRI 16f & Onion 9-11 SAT 17f wif 6 new sonx!
May 2, 2014 admin 0 Comments
Hear ye, hear ye, ye thronging commo poofter wog bitch ginger chinko skippy celt-scum bogan darky rental yid towelheads! The natural order hath been rightfully restore’d and thou art to be name’d and shame’d for thine foul sorcery and such! Know the vengeance of a Gummint that restorest the most chivalrous crusader knights of olde and holdeth thus to it’s vows – no reformation of Workchoices; nay, tis serfdom for ye and restoration of ye tried and true feudal fiefdoms! Rejoice for the year of our Lord be not 2014; yea, but 1420! Arise, Sir Andrew of Bol*t! Arise, Dame Gina of Rindheart! Arise, Baron Palmer the Hutt! Take that which be ye God-given right – dominion o’er all Christendom! Prithee, if thou wouldst, join a mob tongue-lashing and excoriation at one of convenient locations three? THIS THURS 9:30FIRE&THEFT @ FAD GALLERY – CITY THIS SAT 5-7PRAYERBABIES @ THE UNION – BRUNS THIS SUN 4-7PRAYERBABIES @ ROYAL OAK – FITZ xxxe’enso ps NICK’S BAAAA-ACK!!!! *shi xe
March 26, 2014 admin 0 Comments
Pbabes happen THIS TUESDAY 7:30-9:30 Retreat Bruns! Well, isn’t that something? A-a-a-a-nd THIS FRINITE 9:30 LOMOND loudly to the east of that… Huzzah! xxxe’en
February 10, 2014 admin 0 Comments