The Prayerbabies

Category: gigs

Attn Central Highlanders!

The distilled PRAYERBABIES avec the untaintable Carl Pannuzzo (Checkerboard, Those Accapelicans) warm RADIO SPRINGS hootle THIS SATURNYT 7-10pm – yes; this is the better offer you’ve been waiting for! xxxe’en

June 4, 2015     0 Comments

Fire&Theft on RRR tween 2&4 WED & FAD THURS

In celebration of us all acquiring our cosy winter coats and no longer having to cower at home, *Fire&Theft* are raising the temperature thru cool to hot *this wed live on Johnny Topper’s New&Groovy 3rrr* *102.7* and!! and!! *this thursdee 8:30 @ Fad Gallery* in downtownChinatown (14 Corrs Lane City) – the band who proves again&again, there IS no insurance against rrRomANce, have recently saxed-up and rolled in filthy whirling HamMMMmmond sounds just for you! – & it’s not just free; *every*one’s name is on the door (speshly *yours*!) xxxe’en ps those inveterate veteran cowpunks the prayerbabies corral the Royal Oak NorFitzroy this sundee 4-7pm – yup!

May 26, 2015     0 Comments

Pbabes@Hepburn Fight Laser Hair Removal

…aa-nd today’s world-gummint-backed plot: the campaign to remove those last of our natural defences against internationally colluding bla’g’rds — our Laser Hairs! Enough! Join the fully endrummed PRAYERBABIES 5-7pm THIS SUNDY @ the OLD HEPBURN HOTEL* to sing our latest catchily titled rallying cry “If You Wanna Practise Laser Hair Removal on Me, You’ll Hafta Prise ’em from My Cold, Dead, Yet Fetchingly Arched Eyebrows”. This, along with the entire body of recorded evidence compiled against the PRAYERBABIES, will b auctioned on our new/old besmirchandise, the C.H.E.E.S.E** Stick, to the highest/any bidder… That is all. xxxe’en *236 Main rd Hepburn Springs $15 entry ** Central Highlands Exclusive & Evocative Stuff Exhibition

May 20, 2015     0 Comments

Cheesecakeburger/Onion PBABES THISATDY

Genetic sequining scientists* at CSIRO have created a tasty new food group —the Cheesecakeburger—which incorporates all of them. And most courses besides. Treasurer Joesh Frieswithockeyberg announced the overcomplete meal is to add an estimated $4.5 billion to our export bottom line and a similar number of centimetres over the next donkey’s years. ‘This beauty will literally bring home the maplebacon and, is so advanced, it partially digests itself!’ He/they continued, ‘In keeping with our rigid food safety guidelines, the entire schamozzle is to be sourced from local & imported corporation Familiarity Farms —renowned breeders of award-winning Australian-based contempt.’ Advance tastings THISATDY 9-11pm UNION HOTEL BRUNCHWICK xxxe’en *that should be singular

May 12, 2015     0 Comments

Return of Ratatatat Pat this Sat

I had an awefulsome dream… this weekend rolled around & I was stuck fast, kneedeep in molten organic free trade 70% cocoa bilbies, being pursued by that hideous half-mollusc, half-rodent, the Oyster Bunny… when who should appear to pull me free with a ss-ssquOIK! but our original drummer from 1898 – Pat! Only it’s coming true! Well, the Pat bit anyhoo. A wormhole has appeared in the time-spacesaving continuum, which is both itchy & auspicious – he’s back from London & has agreed to do a few toons with us residual P-BABIES THIS SATDY 9-11pm @ The UNION HOOTLE BROONSWEEQ & to celebrate everbuddy gets an extra hour to sleep-in next day! Huzzah!! xxxe’en

March 31, 2015     0 Comments

The Hipster Brief – Vol 3 Iss 5

In a time when our nation sees fit to send Sarah Murdoch as ambassador to the Republic of Vaalia; when multi-coloured fashion teeth are the next obvious step; when there is seemingly now no social arrangement that cannot be forestalled or cancelled, even at the very last minute, it is overstandable that an outlook may take on the characteristics of a freshly ploughed obsidian field – jagged and bleak… Take heart. PRAYERBABIES *WILL* BE AT THE LOMOND E-BRUNS THIS FRIDAY. Mmyup xxxe’en PsOnionSatdy4april

March 25, 2015     0 Comments

Tree to Receive Knighthood

In a universally popular move, a knighthood is to be conferred upon a gnarled and ancient oak tree THIS SUNDAY 4-7, simply because it is the *ROYAL* OAK of NICHOLSON North FitzRoy by Their Royal Highorses The PRAYER of BABIES, Duke of Edinburgh Gardens, Earl of Merricreek, Baron Greenwitch, Royal Knight of the Most Noble Order of the Garterbelt, Extra Knight of the Most Ancient and Fifth Most Noble Order of the Whistle, Grand Master and Principal Flash of the Grand Cross of the Most Excellent Order of the Billandted Empire, Member of the Order of Lunch, Knightrider of the Order of Australia, Additional Bro of the Choice Order of New Zealand, Extra Companion of the Queen’s Second Service Order, Royal Chief of the Order of Lego, Extraordinary Companion of the Last Orders of Canada, Extraordinary Commander of the Order of Military Mumbling, Canadian Forces Interior Decoration, Lord of Her Majesty’s Most Honourable Privy, Privy Councillor of the Queen’s Privy for Canada, Personal Aide-de-Camp to Her Majesty, Lord High Admiral of the United Thingdom of the of the of. The. Beknighted! Arise! xxxe’en ps

January 28, 2015     0 Comments

Are kite-fliers cloud fishing?

Do selfies steal your own soul? And does the chiropractor’s choir practice require quiet tact or tractors? Clarification THIS SUNDY via PRAYERBABIES 5-7pm UNION HOOTLE BRUNSWEEQ xxxe’en

January 22, 2015     0 Comments

Royal Oak becomes the Republican Oak

Yes, yes! As a logical consequence of recent happenings, PRAYERBABIES will preside over this renaming ceremony, which will commence at 4pm THIS SUNDEE 442 Nicholson st Norfitz – no speeches, just cold beer & dancing – now there’s a forward-looking agenda! xxxe’en

December 5, 2014     0 Comments

It’s time! (they started handing out ‘why to vote’ cards!)

…Or maybe ‘ways to vote’ cards? Presently, the triennial choice seems to be Tweedledee or Tweedle D minus. In what other arena would we tolerate such a blatant duopoly? But if you vote for a non-mainstream party, aren’t you just throwing away your vote? NO! That’s America!* Though it may *seem* like we are the 51st State^ (underlined by the fact that their cultural imperialism is so insidiously comprehensive that in dire emergencies we now routinely call 911#), we got this cutey called preferential – far preferable, as far as I’m concerned. For things of great import, my first preference is to have them explained by cartoon. This is the best of its kind. In the upper house, if you number 1 above the line, we may be subjected to the *preference-whisperer’s* dark arts that produced the Fed Rep who’s been described recently as a plant. I can’t guarantee she’s not part vegetable, but I’m pretty sure any good that comes of her will be fairly random. You have to turn up, so do a li’l reading**, get intentional & fill in a few numbers below the line, eh? At least 1 to 5 for the state election (not 1, 2, 5). If you lose count, they will give you a new tablecloth to fill in – I had to get two replacemats a cupla years ago – but it added up in the end! The main Q to ask yourself, I think, is this: are we up to the fat end of the wedge yet? You decide. THIS THURSDY FIRE&THEFT 9:30 FAD GALLERY CITY THIS SATDY PRAYERBABIES 9:30 LOMOND, E BRUNS & hey, anyone need a NYE band? Our gig just fell thru… xxxe’en *& other countries with the quaint first-past-the-post system. ^Canada & the Philipines prolly have worse odds wrestling for the lowest number in that queue. # Which has had to be linked to *our* oh-oh-oh! number – makes more sense when you look at the direction the health system’s headed. **

November 25, 2014     0 Comments